Part Time Studio Team Members Step 1 of 3 33% Thank you for your interest, please read and fill out the short form below to your best ability. This field is hidden when viewing the formFor management training or position consideration, please review and select the choice(s) that apply to you:College DegreePast Management ExperienceNaturally OrganizedAdaptable to changing needsYou can select more than one by holding down CNTRL and/or SHIFT.This field is hidden when viewing the formAre you looking for part time or full time?* Full Time Part Time Not sure Are you available to work weekends? Select All Saturday Sunday Do you have reliable transportation?* Yes No What about this opportunity is important to you (please check all that apply)* Team Atmosphere Felxible Hours Weekly Pay Career Path/Advancement Performance based bonuses and party tips Ability to help others Solving customer challenges Children interaction Learning life skills Learning work skills Gaining work experience Imagine that you’re a hotel concierge, and a guest asks you to make a dinner reservation at a specific restaurant. You know the place fairly well, and previous guests have given you negative feedback about it. But this guest seems very excited about the prospect of eating there and has not asked for your opinion. What do you do? Congratulate the guest on his or her choice and make the booking. Make the booking without providing your opinion. Offer a couple of alternatives, explaining that they are probably better. Share your opinion and say that several guests have been disappointed with the restaurant. Pretend the restaurant is fully booked and offer to find an alternative. This field is hidden when viewing the formChoose the most accurate statement below. It is important for me to excel at everything I do. I am good at everything I do. If you want to be successful, you can’t always put others’ needs first. This field is hidden when viewing the formWhich description below best fits you? Organized and clean... Organized and messy... Disorganized and clean... Disorganized and messy... What are your passions / What do people typically ask you for help with?There are 10 traits that require zero experience, but are crucial to success in life and business. Which 3 do you most associate with yourself? Being On Time Work Ethic Energy Effort Attitude Being Coachable Being Prepared Body Language Doing Extra Passion This field is hidden when viewing the formThere are 10 traits that require zero experience, but are crucial to success in life and business. Which 3 do you most associate with yourself?Being On TimeWork EthicEnergyEffortAttitudeBeing CoachableBeing PreparedBody LanguageDoing ExtraPassionPlease review the quotes below: Which of the above quotes do you like most and why?This field is hidden when viewing the formBe aware that all people around the table, including yourself, are filtering and interpreting every word through a personal screen of: (Select three) Attitudes Age Values Expectations Physical appearance Emotional State How good are you at dealing with conflicts? I try to avoid it, but sometimes it is unavoidable I avoid it all the time If something is unfair, I can’t avoid it I handle it well What is your response to a customer saying “thank you” ? No Problem My Pleasure Of Course No Worries If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what question would you ask? Thank you for taking the time to answer the previous questions, we're almost finished!Name* First Last Email* PhonePlease use button below to upload your resume. If you do not have a resume to upload, please write a brief description of why you think you're well suited for this position click here to write description please type belowUpload ResumeAccepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.Untitled* By checking this box, you acknowledge that you meet the basic requirements as stated above and you answered truthfully to the best of your ability. You agree that we can contact you by email or phone for the purposes related to this job offering. We will never sell your data. Period. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.